D writes specifically here on the relation of events, compossibility and incompossibility. Within our Pascal diagram, we can read this directly as diagrams having common factors vs. those that do not. The relation of these events generates what D will later term a rhizome, a networked structure. Here, he denotes it as "a system of echoes...a system of signs." (170)
On Aion (difference-in-itself): "Difference is itself affirmed and is itself affirmative." (172)
Page 173: D writes of how Nietzsche used sickness as a perspective on health. As such, the relative displacement caused by the event is exactly a "switch" or reversal of perspectives. The mind operates as a parallax machine, switching perspectives in order to decode the shape of reality. In parallax, one switches perspective in order to ascertain distance (e.g. the distance to a faraway star). In a structure such as the Pascal diagram, symmetrical structures point toward a similar procedure in order to decode and factor a triangle, or an assemblage of triangles. One wants to ascertain the distance and position of the red dots in the diagram, and one means to accomplish this would be parallax, or perspective-switching.
"Inside-Out" (cf. p. 174):
When D says things like, "Thus, the ideational center of convergence is by nature perpetually decentered, it serves only to affirm divergence," he is ramifying and expanding upon Derrida's critical "Decentering Event in Social Thought" (1966), the Year Zero of postmodern studies, "the center is not the center", etc., etc. (p.174) Though LOS was not published till 1969, I believe that Deleuze's writing on decentering and affirmation (e.g. Nietzsche and Philosophy) pre-dates Derrida's writing on decentering. This needs fact-checking.
The key to logic is written on this page as well (174). He breaks down the 3 syntheses: connective, conjunctive, and disjunctive. These correspond, respectively to if...then, and, and or. In the simplest example, this logic undergirds the Photo Hunt example from this post. But more broadly, these actions are the only operators necessary for the logic system to work. That is the ultimate beauty, simplicity, and elegance of Logic of Sense: we can distill the brain/mind down to 3 operations.
Page 176: On the meaning of the crooked line, the break. (cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tests_of_general_relativity#Deflection_of_light_by_the_Sun)
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