Thursday, May 17, 2012

Food Palate Map

I think the palate is perfect example of an intensive surface.  The palate is composed of five main assemblages (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami).  All food is but a combination of these five attributes in the same way that a sound is a combination of frequencies.  The palate has sensitivities to certain tastes and sends this information up to the brain where it is translated emotionally (e.g. "Mmm, this pretzel is good and salty" or "This coffee is impotably bitter.").
One could write an essay on the stylistic consistency of the sounds that DJ Premier digs for samples and loops.  On one hand, it seems impossible that one might find a sample in a song such as the following, but once you hear the movement in the samples that he is going for (another example would be Above the Clouds), the sounds achieve consistency in the Deleuzian sense: