Why double causality? Because we have two series, bridged by sense. In Anti-Oedipus, Deleuze writes on the assemblage, which in his most cited example could be an orchid and a wasp coming together in the act of pollination. In this book, Deleuze has indicated the signifier and signified as an example of these two series. In order for there to be a double causality, there also must be a double nonsense "which must preside over the this bestowal of sense". (98) These are the series which have been partially emptied by the production of the GCD; they are missing factors. They are the crystalline snowflake Pascal triangles, only missing several of the red dots. The Pascal triangle itself is an "impersonal transcendental field" filled with singularities-- that is, a transcendental field without a subject, a structuring structure. (98)
Page 95: Sense is neutral as it is a "mere double"; it is the reflection of the two series through the generation, in our example, of the GCD.
Page 95: Sense is a productive force. It is not to be confused with negation or dialectics.
Page 97: Key question (that Deleuze answers in another chapter): How do we go from "sterility to genesis". The production of sense implies a creation ex nihilo. How does that work?
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