Page 253: D contrasts division and difference.
Page 254: The "middle" term is always lacking in the case of the division (read, the Event). In fact, the lack or gap (i.e. the difference, the displacement) is the motivating force of the event or division. At the moment of division (selection), "division renounces its task, letting itself be carried along by a myth." Hence, selection comes out of a blind spot. Being carried along by a myth are the domino effect within the Pascal Triangle created by the diagonal fiboancci series (Aion), unfurling themselves like lines of dominoes.
Page 254: This section where D explains Plato's "dialectic of rivals" is very Being John Malkovitch. D opts to define rivalry as a "selection of the lineage", anticipating (or perhaps motivating?) Foucault's turn from a archaeological method to a genealogical one.
Page 254: See this post for more on the structurality of circulation, in this case, the circulation of souls.
Page 256: On tracking down the false pretender, the "nonbeing". This is akin in the Pascal model to reducing the remainder, i.e. slowly factoring a non-prime. See this post and this post for reference.
Page 256: D asserts that Plato laid the groundwork for the reversal of Platonism via his conception of the simulacrum (there is no differentiating between model and copy, see: Pierre Menand).
Page 257: I believe we need to read this literally: "The difference in nature between simulacrum and copy. The simulacrum is built upon a disparity or upon a difference. It internalizes a dissimilarity." (258) The eternal return, the event, is in fact "creative involution" (enfolding). (cf. ATP) This is a return with difference, a return of the not-same; the "identity of the different as primary power". (262) D goes on to speak of "two halves of a single division." This lines up well with our articulation of the two series (two Pascal triangles, two numbers to be factored), the two assemblages precipitating the eternal return, the event, through resonance and generating a GCD, a BwO, etc.
Page 258: On how we use the theoretical principle of parallax to simplify difficult problems. (cf. Zizek's The Parallax View) Parallax also occurs within the Pascal diagram due to its inherent symmetry to gauge distance and precipitate events -- this would be the methodology of division or negation.
Page 260: On incompossibility.
Page 260: On Hegel's circular (concentric) diagrams.
Page 261: That which is repressed eventually rises to the surface.
"The sign is...between two communicating series," their differences being "inclusive". (261)
Resemblance, "the product of internal difference," is "produced on a curve". (262) That curve is the fibonacci spiral within our Pascal model. The product that is produced, the GCD, the simulacrum, is affirmative, it is an idol-killer (cf. Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols). It is the internalization of two divergent series. (262) Identity, by contrast, is the domino effect of moving up and down by degrees of the golden ratio through the fibonacci series. In order to produce the GCD in both the Pascal diagram and the brain, we can use something similar the Euclidean algorithm. In order to test for primality or break up large co-primes, we can use something like Fermat's little theorem or Pollard's p-1 algorithm combined with modular exponentiation. See the chapter "The Twins" in Oliver Sacks' The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat for more on the human ability to calculate large primes. One could also use a geometrical analogy of parallax here to get around large computations. When D says "produced on a curve", the elliptical curve method of factorization (an extension of Pollard's p-1) also immediately comes to mind. If you have the mathematical ability to test some of these assertions, please holler at me.
On the GCD: "There is no longer any privileged point of view except that of the object common to all point of view." (262) (cf. Borges' The Aleph, Lacan's objet petit a) D uses the word "vertigo" here to describe the pull of the Event. Indeed it is a vortex, what D will call later a "black hole", an attractor, a gyre spinning like a centrifuge, sending the GCD through the sieve, the holes in the fisherman's net (What is Philosophy), a Sierpinski triangle.
Page 263: The quote from Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil on this page is used frequently to document D's concepts of rhizomatics and deterritorialization (cf. Greg Flaxman's The Brain is the Screen). Also see D's mention of masks later in the page and his explicit connection of the simulacrum to Nietzsche's eternal return.
"Between the eternal return and the simulacrum, there is such a profound link that the one cannot be understood except through the other." (264)
Page 265: Explicit reference connecting the functioning of the simulacrum to the will to power.
Page 265: The "Same of that which differs" is (within the Pascal model) the Greatest Common Divisor.
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