Friday, August 12, 2011

Thirty-Second Series on the Different Kinds of Series

Page 224: D is trying to make his theory commensurate with the psychoanalytic theory of Freud (and also Lacan), hence his inclusion of the analogy of sequence and block to displacement and condensation, respectively.

"A physics of intensive qualities." (225)

Page 226: It is the differential between two series, like resonance in a echo chamber, that causes the incarnation of the phantasm. In this sense, we can think of the event or the eternal return arising from a void. The phantasm (also GCD) is the bounded void, that like a chamber of the heart, pulses so as to both produce and contain resonance and to ensure the communication between the organs.

Page 227: Compare Deleuze's idol to Lacan's objet petit a. The idol (GCD) is the "source of disjunctions" and ramifications between the organs. The disjunctions "resonate by their difference." (228)

Page 227: A conversion from depth to surface. E.g. How we get from sound (sequential batches of frequencies) to sight (all the data points at once). The number to be factored is converted in the same way. From the binary string to the Pascal diagram, etc. Later in the chapter, D uses the word "extraction" in place of conversion. This extraction always "awaits the result" (233); meaning is retroactively pinned to the emissions of the voice -- hence, the double/doubling. Because of the gap inherent in the event, the result is never 100% completed, just as the dragon or dog never successfully catches its tail. This is why one might say the return is "eternal".

Page 227: The line which the event traces marks both an excess and a lack (i.e. a displacement); a lack as perceived by one series is an excess for the other.

Page 228: The phallus (idol, GCD, etc.) which is always "displaced in relation to itself" reminds me again of Derrida. (The phallus as the ultimate organ of "displacement", "center without a center", BwO, filled with pure intensity, etc.)

"Is it not the case that the serial organization presupposes a certain state of language?" (229) (cf. Lacan)

The child learns "formative [language] elements [e.g. phonemes] before any understanding of formed linguistic units." (230)

Page 230-232: Psychoanalysis/schizoanalysis as localization (of "clusters" of intensity/singularities) (e.g. needle-therapy, acupuncture, etc.): "The surface of the entire body as an aggregate or sequence of letters....The child was learning to speak on his own body."

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